Regionalna gospodarska zbornica Celje

Arhiv: Poročilo o pregledu zdravstva v Evropi

Poročila o pregledu zdravstva v Evropi obravnavajo napredek pri doseganju učinkovitih, dostopnih in odpornih zdravstvenih sistemov v EU. Poročila, ki se objavijo vsaki dve leti, vsebujejo nevtralno opisno primerjavo vseh držav EU na podlagi javno dostopnih podatkov in kazalnikov.

Zadnje poročilo o pregledu zdravstva v Evropi je bilo objavljeno novembra 2018. Publikacija, ki jo je v sodelovanju s Komisijo pripravila Organizacija za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD), vsebuje analizo zdravstvenega stanja državljanov EU in uspešnosti zdravstvenih sistemov.

Poročilo 2018 poleg različnih statističnih kazalnikov za 35 evropskih držav vsebuje tudi dve medsektorski poglavji o političnih prednostnih nalogah EU: spodbujanje duševnega zdravja in zmanjševanje neučinkovite porabe.

Povezane informacije:




Life expectancy is a key indicator to understanding the overall health of a population. Three indicators reflecting gender and age-specific life expectancies are presented here. More specific indicators on ischaemic heart mortality and dementia prevalence are also shown, two major causes of mortality and morbidity today and in the future.
All data refer to 2016 or nearest year, except for dementia prevalence, which refers to 2017. 

Smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity are three major risk factors for noncommunicable diseases.
All data refer to 2016 or nearest year, except for obesity among adults (the data refer to 2014). 

Amenable mortality is an indicator of deaths that could potentially be avoided through effective and timely health care. AMI (acute myocardial infarction or heart attack) and stroke 30-day mortality rate following hospital admission reflects the processes of care, including timely transport of patients and effective medical interventions. Cancer survival reflects both early detection and effective treatment.
All the data on mortality refer to 2015 or nearest year; the data on cancer five-year survival cover the period 2010-14. 

Unmet health care needs is an important indicator of accessibility problems as reported by the population. The data are based on a question from the EU-SILC survey, including three reasons for self-reported unmet needs (the care was too expensive, the distance to travel too far, or waiting times too long). The share of out-of-pocket spending reflects the degree of financial protection for health care cost.
All data refer to 2016 or nearest year. 

All data refer to 2017 or nearest year.




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